Friday, March 19, 2010

A Whole New Game

Okay so the steaks I was so freaked about that are usually as big as my hand and an inch thick were only about half the size of my palm this time. They were wrapped in cheese and bacon but I picked most of it off. (Not all. I was weak!) But my total intake for the day was an hor d'oeuvre sized steak and one glass of juice. So weight- Yesterday I woke up 140.8 and went to bed 140.6 (I never lose throughout the day so I was really happy about that) and when I woke up this morning *pause for dramatic effect* 139.0! Not only did I reach my goal for the day but I'm only half a lb from my 2010 low weight!
But I've got a possible adversary looming. My doctor wants me to try out this drug for joint pain. On the good side some of the side effects include dizziness and nausea so if I get dizzy in front of my parents or just don't want to eat dinner I can blame it on the pills. On the bad side one of the possible side effects is weight gain! *Screams* I mean it might not be a problem but if it is then, obviously I can't take it. I'll take swollen joints over a swollen body any day. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
In other news, I'm going to the mall tomorrow with a friend I haven't seen in a while. And mall means food court. My favorite fast food restaurants other than subway have closed shop there and we're blessedly avoiding meal hours but I'm freaked that she'll want to eat anyways and she'll expect me to eat too. I don't even really want to go; fatty foods plus clothes that are too small and look horrible on me is not my idea of a good time. But like I said we haven't seen much of eachother lately and I didn't want to blow her off.
Well that's all for now. Good luck and good diet.
<3 Ariana