Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lucky Post # 7

Okay, so I actually enjoyed myself at the mall today. My friend and I mostly looked at books and jewelry so it wasn't depressing for once. We walked past so many restaurants though and everything smelled amazing. I came so close to buying a smoothie and these little Japanese chocolates but then I asked myself: Why would I waste my money on making myself fat, ugly, and miserable when getting thin, beautiful, and not hating everything about my body by not eating is absolutely FREE? Not only did I avoid around a thousand excess calories, I also saved $10 to put toward some amazing new clothes for my amazing new figure!
In other news I weighed in at 138.2 lbs this morning. I have a new low weight for 2010! This means I met my week's goal. Next week I hope to reach 133. I made a deal with myself that if I reached my goal and did an hour on the treadmill today and tomorrow then I could have half of a cup of ramen tomorrow. I'm worried it will set me back but it's an exercise in control and I want to have some treat before going into week 2 of fasting. Last time I fasted I barely made it through the second week. I was cheating in big, salty, buttered ways. I am not going to let that happen again. I am in complete control of what I put in my body and that's the way it's going to stay. I like the way I feel right now and I'm going to hold on to it.
Be thin. Be happy.
<3 Ariana