Sunday, March 21, 2010


Okay so after all that wonderful resistance at the mall yesterday and the hour of treadmill I was weak! I feel so horrible about it. Here's what happened. I came home and my dad told me we were having hamburgers for dinner. I was really happy because he makes them with 99% lean ground sirloin so I figured I'd eat it with some catsup and pickles for an indulgent but low-fat dinner. The thing is the word hamburger implies just a meat patty and bun with fixings but what he made was munster cheese burgers. When I saw the cheese I thought I'd just scrape it off and go ahead as planned until I realized it was munster. Any sandwich with melted munster in it is my kryptonite. It is the perfect hot sandwich cheese. So instead of my relatively healthy burger I had the cheeseburger plain thinking it's okay, I only ate a banana and a couple bites of watermelon all day. Then THEN I had one scoop of mint ice cream because I hadn't had sweets in a week almost (today would have been a week) and I thought I'd just have one tiny indulgence to carry me through the week to come. I have sinned and now I pay the price. 138.2 this morning. Exactly the same as yesterday! I think I was dehydrated when I weighed in yesterday but that doesn't change the facts.
So I ate the banana and ramen I had allotted myself for the day but I only ate about 1/5 instead of the 1/2 I was planning on. I've also decided to water fast tomorrow. I've decided to water fast once a week and liquid fast once a week (if I'm not already liquid fasting) so tomorrow is my day this week. I'm still going on the treadmill for an hour after I'm done posting and I'm still getting at least 30 minutes of exercise each day next week (I'll do more when I'm done fasting).
Despite this minor set back, I'm still really proud of myself. I've followed all the rules I made for myself without cheating all week! I've never gotten through the whole week without at least one "little thing I won't count". And I did lose 5lbs this week (4.8 but it will be five by morning). Over all, this has been the best week I've had since my crazy first diet when I was 11 that I mentioned in my first post.
I'm off to start a second super successful week. And if you didn't do too well last week make this one great!
<3 Ariana