Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

So it's St. Patrick's day, a day to wear your green outside and in. I'm breaking my fast today because I'm going to a party tonight. As a family of near 100% Irish heritage today's a big day and my family eats accordingly. Corned beef, buttery rolls, and the best potato chips in the world straight from the factory. This is a day to pull out all the tricks I know to avoid packing on the pounds. But I will stay strong. I WILL NOT break my diet at this party. In honor of St. Patty I've filled up on fresh steamed greens to avoid binging.
This morning I weighed in at 140.6. I'm so close to the 130's! Also my low weight for 2010 so far is 138.6 so I'm only 2 lbs away. Then I can actually feel like I'm losing weight instead of just taking off what I gained. I have to keep my goals in mind tonight but I'm feeling so weak. If I binge tonight and wake up right back where I was I'll hate myself! Please, Ana, keep me strong.

May the luck of the Irish be with every diet today.

<3 Ariana