Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Don't Eat The Muffins!

Okay, not the best known reference. I saw it the other day on Invader Zim. Basically, the stupid robot parents proclaim they've made muffins for a crowd and present a filthy toilet thus the above quote.
I ate the muffin. Not the gross toilet one, but half a giant chocolate chip one which when you look at the fat content is pretty gross itself. I got roped into breakfast with my mom today. She goes to this cafe up the street literally twice a day! (And she wonders why she's fat) Well, half the block works there and since my mom's in there constantly she knows every single employee personally. So today she wanted to introduce me to the manager as I am applying for a job there (oh, the buttery horror! But I do need the money) and we ordered breakfast while we were there. Since everything is packed with ungodly amounts of fat and calories and delicious I went ahead and ordered one of my favorites, the muffin of afore mentioned horror. I was stuck sitting there for over half an hour with a muffin staring at me, begging me to eat it and my mom watching me expectantly and before I knew it a nibble became half the damned thing! On top of that, the manager was too busy to talk to me and asked me to come in again tomorrow! Will the temptation ever end?
So I went through my day nautious at having eaten but in public so I couldn't throw up (which almost happened unprovoked anyway). And in my head all day was the daunting fact that I didn't lose any weight from yesterday even though I barely touched a thing. AND I had to go pants shopping. I've barely lost anything off my thunder thighs. I did manage to fit into the 7s when I would have had to buy 9s but even that victory was cut short because I was so bloated I couldn't fit into these really amazing pants that were unfortunately high waisted. They actually would have fit me just a couple of days ago but I have to where them tomorrow so I had to find something that would fit over my giant, swollen stomach so I wound up with pants I hate and are going to be to big to ever wear again. (At least they were cheap.)
I'm sorry this is so whiny but today has just compleatly sucked from begining to end. I've just wanted to hurl and cry the entire day.
Just fyi I did punish myself for the muffin with an hour and a half of heavy cardio.
Be stronger than I was today.
<3 Ariana