Sunday, May 30, 2010

Good- Sorta

Today, my family took a trip to a little beach town semi-near by for lunch. We went to a restaurant we only go to once a year so I did want to eat while I was there. So I skipped breakfast entirely, got a cheese burger, the best fires ever, and some gourmet ice cream (and didn't finish any of it but still ate a lot), then dinner was just a small bowl of fruit (negative calories!) and some crystal light. Plus a good deal of walking and some stretches and some time swinging. All in all, not too bad. Really good for eating out!
I found a new source of modivation last night. I realized that soon I'm going to see this girl B who I absolutely hate. We used to be friends because I took pitty on her cuz no one liked her. But it wasn't long before I realized why no one liked her. She's stupid, fat, lazy, whiney, cries a lot for no reason (and gets snot on you when she does EW!), and SHE DOESN'T BATHE!!! She constantly complains about her life but is always doing things she knows will make it worse just for the attention. Words can't describe what a pain in the ass she is. But before I knew all that I got a couple of my nicer friends to hang out with her too and she's invited to a couple of their graduation parties. Now, when I say she's fat I mean she is perfectly round and eats junk meals TEN times a day!!! Me, B, and my other friend who puts up with her C (yes, that makes us ABC lol) used to get together for sleep overs and B would eat more for breakfast than C and me put together the entire time we were together, then she wanted lunch two hours later. The three of us decided to lose weight together at the begining of the year. In January I lost 10 lbs, C lost 5, and B was so proud of her self because she lost 2 LBS! The whole month! And she celebrated with a foot long sub, chips, fries, and cookies! And that was just in the two hours we were together. Anyways, we got in a huge fight because she was being ridiculously bitchy and self-centered and after she made a huge scene in public I stopped talking to her. It's been four months since I last saw her and I want to be fucking skinny! I want to show that nightmare what real work'll get you. I'm not sure when one of the parties is but one is in two weeks so I'm fasting in some form or another every day til then.
Tomorrow is a fruit fast, maybe a little dairy and some crystal light but that's it. I have to admit it eventually, I'm back to a disqusting, sickening 140lbs! YUK! But I want to be bellow 135 by the party. I'm going to aim for 132 by June 12th!
Sorry this got a bit rambly.
Wish me luck, ladies. Think thin.
<3 Ariana


Liz said...

I hate people like that! Really, losing 2 pounds in a month is not that big of a deal. It was probably water weight, lol.
You can get skinnier by the party! Show her that you are better :)

Elle said...

You can do it!! I'll be thinking of you!!!

Elle said...
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