Friday, May 28, 2010


That's how my head feels. All whoosh like :) I'm a little feverish on and off today and really tired after an extremely busy day at work and keep getting light headed from coughing fits and just started my period (it's been over two months and I have to say I was kind of proud when I never got it, like I was doing something right). After catching up on blogs I had another coughing fit and now feel pretty shitty and whoosh. So this is going to be short. I'll try to post what I was planning tomorrow or at least really soon.
I didn't eat at work today which I was proud of. I could have gotten one of the really decadent deserts today. I really wanted something cold on my throat and that was about all we had but I didn't have any. It probably doesn't sound all that impressive to anyone else but my will power has been so low lately and between stress, hormones, and a strong burning sensation in my throat I was proud to have just said no to food in general.
So that's the small little world of my throbbing head.
Be thin, dears.
<3 Ariana
p.s. being bloated and crampy my tummy is smaller than it was yesterday when I wasn't. Strange, huh?


Twigs Can Fly said...

"whoosh" I like that word as a feeling :D.

I AM THY FIRST COMMENTER! Yessss. I blates just took your blog virginity :D.

And he's not violent, he's lovely! I just make him like that sometimes. Besides, he's never hit me (:


Liz said...

Yes, the comment box works! I am so sorry, I've been trying to comment every time you post, ever since I started following your blog, but the box has been broken!
I'm sorry you're sick :( I hope you feel better soon! Good job on your eating too :)