Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sick :(

Hello to my lovely new follower Alice D. (I love that name; it sounds like drugs ;P lol)
Well, yesterday's daytime water fast went well. I wound up eating probably around 500 calories at dinner :C but at least that's better than what I've been tending toward lately.
But this morning I woke up with a swollen throat and fever. Since I need to be able to work tomorrow I wound up foregoing the liquid fast. Instead I ate lots of soup (with noodles :( ) and popsicles and cold drinks. But it did mean that even though I didn't wind up going out I didn't have to eat a proper dinner!
Tomorrow I plan to have some eggs and fruit and grab some beef vegetable soup at work so there aren't any more horrible noodle infractions.
Also, I did something I realised I should have done months ago and bought some crystal light raspberry lemonade mix. No more wasteing 110 calories a glass! Just 5 calories and no sugar- B-E-A-Utiful!
I'll leave things there but I've got something special to tell you about tomorrow.
A demain, mes petites.
<3 Ariana


Ariana said...

Commenting seems to be fixed. Yay!