Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Back

I'm back on the blogosphere and so many things have changed!
Of course there's GRADUATING!!! I was bigger than I hoped but not as big as I could have been. There was a five course meal after! FIVE! How?! I had so many left overs. I'm still working on them.
I got a job too! It's at the cafe I meantioned a long time ago. I'm surrounded by delicious smelling/ looking (/tasteing) food all the time. I get free coffee and soup (yay!) and soda and broken cookies (yikes!) and discounted baked goods and huge cheesey entrees. I'm going to have to be extra strong if I'm not going to eat there but I will do it.
I also got some new shape-ups. I wear them at work where I'm constantly walking around and for the ten minute power walk to/from work I take when it's not raining or after dark.
I've been eating like crazy for nearly two weeks now. I'm not sure exactly how much weight I've gained but I've definitely got a lot of work to do. On the bright side, since I've been consuming so many calories it shouldn't be too hard to drop 5 lbs fast. I always go to the beach at the begining of July so my new goal is to reach 120 by the time I don that bikini in a month and a half.
I've been really looking forward to fasting again instead of dreading it like I had been recently. I've gotten binging out of my system for a while and I'm reved up to drop the gut I've been reunited with. I don't officially start fasting until wednesday. The plan is: Teus: Restrict- 1 left over cheese manicotti and breadstick to finish off the more expensive of the leftovers (the cheaper ones I'll just throw out), a cup of the soup of the day for dinner, and liquids not to exceed 1000 calories total; Wed: Water Fast- from the soup on Teusday to breakfast Thursday, maybe some milk after 1am thursday if I can't get to sleep; Thurs: Liquid Fast- straight through midnight, nothing but juice, coffee, milk, and water; Fri: Water Fast- I'll have to eat a little at dinner but nothing else. I'm working nights this week and next so I don't have to eat with my parents on the nights I work. I can claim to have eaten at work and have soup or skip dinner all together. (Ana is trying to help me fast!) I'll be fasting next week too then I'm thinking restrict for a week then fast another week.
I will be thin this summer!!!!!
<3 Ariana