Monday, July 19, 2010


So, I did my water fast today. I did great until dinner. I had to eat with my parents and got stuck eating half a hamburger. It was like chunks of gritty petulance churning in my stomach. Ew! Now instead of getting to drink juice before bed, I get to enjoy stomach cramps and hunger pains as my body tries to digest the putrid filth trying to poison it.
And I have to eat with them again tomorrow. At a restaurant no less so there's no control over the gigantic portions and everything on the menu is horrible. I'll be having a bowl of cereal for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, then at dinner I'll "try something new" and claim to hate it so I don't have to eat much. Then it's proper liquid fasting until Saturday. No more horrible "family" dinners.
In other news, I bought "Wintergirls" by Laurie Halse Anderson today. I've been dying to read it since Alice D read it a while ago. My local Barnes and Noble doesn't carry it but I finally got out to Borders and started reading right away. I haven't gotten very far but so far so good.
I'll keep you beautiful girls posted.
<3 Ariana


Liz said...

I'm sorry you had to eat disgusting flesh :( Maybe you should become a vegetarian? Not eating meat saves A LOT of calories.

I hope you enjoy Wintergirls! It's a great book :)