Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Water Water Everywhere and Nothing Else To Drink

I had no internet all day. It was so frustrating! I wanted to share my good news with all of you. Not only did I do my water fast but I felt great! I wasn't dizzy or disoriented at all. I did have a mild headache on and off but I felt so GOOD and hardly any hunger at all. I only did 15 minutes on the bike but that's more than I've done on other water fasts. I weighed in at 138.8 yesterday morning and 137.2 this morning!

I decided not to have anything to drink after midnight either for a grand total of 33 hours without a single calorie. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I had a fever and could hardly stand. Parts of my body kept going numb. My blood sugar felt okay yesterday but over night my hypoglycemia got the best of me and my blood sugar crashed to dangerously low levels. So I broke my fast for half a can of chicken noodle soup and I'll have a small dinner. I'm allowing myself upto 1000 calories today (although I'm not sure I can make myself drink that much after the last few days of fasting and restriction) to get my sugars stable again then it's back to restriction tomorrow. I'm just going to play it by ear today, do the minimum of what I need to do for my health.
I'd like to thank all of you who suported me. It means so much. I love you all, my skinnies!
<3 Ariana