Sunday, June 27, 2010

On My Way To A Lovely Me

I did my first official all-day liquid fast!!! I almost didn't get away with it because my parents kept trying to make me eat but no food passed my lips. Today I had a glass of milk, hot cocoa, a protein drink, and some crystal light for a total of 430 calories. I'm totally psyched for my 24 hour water fast tomorrow. Not one calorie all day, not even gum.
I'm no where near where I hoped to be. In fact, I shamefully admit that I'm still 140 but tomorrow I'm hoping to be 139 and working toward 136 or 135 by the fourth when I'll be premiering this absolutely fab top I've been waiting months. Single strap, flashy beads, and red so it's perfect for independance day ;P. I think I'll be at the beach July 11th based on my and my family's work scheduals so I need to be no more than 133lbs when I don my tiny bikini. Then I'll be swimming at my friend C's pool and I'm planning on going to the beach again with her so I've got to lose lots and lots of weight really fast. Most of all, I don't want all my new friends at college to think of me as a fat slob so I need to be the skinniest me I can be before I move into my dorm!
Anyways, wish me lots of strength mentaly and physically. Love ya all.
<3 Ariana


Liz said...

Good job! That's awesome :) I'm glad you could go through with it, even with nosy parents trying to make you eat! I hope your water fast goes well tomorrow :)

Twigs Can Fly said...

Good luck my dear!

You've done absolutely fantastically, and I'm jealous of the fast!

I'm doing a happy dance for your first fast now (:
