Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Water Water Everywhere and Nothing Else To Drink

I had no internet all day. It was so frustrating! I wanted to share my good news with all of you. Not only did I do my water fast but I felt great! I wasn't dizzy or disoriented at all. I did have a mild headache on and off but I felt so GOOD and hardly any hunger at all. I only did 15 minutes on the bike but that's more than I've done on other water fasts. I weighed in at 138.8 yesterday morning and 137.2 this morning!

I decided not to have anything to drink after midnight either for a grand total of 33 hours without a single calorie. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I had a fever and could hardly stand. Parts of my body kept going numb. My blood sugar felt okay yesterday but over night my hypoglycemia got the best of me and my blood sugar crashed to dangerously low levels. So I broke my fast for half a can of chicken noodle soup and I'll have a small dinner. I'm allowing myself upto 1000 calories today (although I'm not sure I can make myself drink that much after the last few days of fasting and restriction) to get my sugars stable again then it's back to restriction tomorrow. I'm just going to play it by ear today, do the minimum of what I need to do for my health.
I'd like to thank all of you who suported me. It means so much. I love you all, my skinnies!
<3 Ariana

Sunday, June 27, 2010

On My Way To A Lovely Me

I did my first official all-day liquid fast!!! I almost didn't get away with it because my parents kept trying to make me eat but no food passed my lips. Today I had a glass of milk, hot cocoa, a protein drink, and some crystal light for a total of 430 calories. I'm totally psyched for my 24 hour water fast tomorrow. Not one calorie all day, not even gum.
I'm no where near where I hoped to be. In fact, I shamefully admit that I'm still 140 but tomorrow I'm hoping to be 139 and working toward 136 or 135 by the fourth when I'll be premiering this absolutely fab top I've been waiting months. Single strap, flashy beads, and red so it's perfect for independance day ;P. I think I'll be at the beach July 11th based on my and my family's work scheduals so I need to be no more than 133lbs when I don my tiny bikini. Then I'll be swimming at my friend C's pool and I'm planning on going to the beach again with her so I've got to lose lots and lots of weight really fast. Most of all, I don't want all my new friends at college to think of me as a fat slob so I need to be the skinniest me I can be before I move into my dorm!
Anyways, wish me lots of strength mentaly and physically. Love ya all.
<3 Ariana

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Push It!

I did the 500 calories yesterday and today. I have the next three days off work and not much to do. So tomorrow is a traditional liquid fast aka no dinner; same deal for my water fast Monday and Tuesday is another liquid fast (maybe with dinner if I'm absolutely about to drop). I don't know how much exercise I'll be doing as the calorie restriction is making me a bit dizzy so fasting definitely will. But maybe my body will adjust and if not, there's always the stationary and floor exercises. For the next three days I'll be pushing my body and will as far as they'll go.
Wish me luck, lovelies and I'll wish you the same.
<3 Ariana

Friday, June 25, 2010

Talk Fast

I have internet but for how long I can't say. So I'll keep this short.
I ate less than 700 calories yesterday. I estimate it to be 660. Today I'm aiming for under 500. Tonight I'll find out my schedual for next week and I'll plan a 24 hour water fast for a day I'm not working.
I managed to get caught up on blogs and everyone seems a bit down. I hope things turn up. I love every one of you and I wish you happiness and hip bones.
Much love for my lovely girls!
<3 Ariana

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


My internet is such shit! I can't stay online for more than a couple minutes! Getting a new computer soon.
Love you all, pretties.
<3 Ariana

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Promises, Promises

I believe its been a week and a half already since I said I had something special to post and I still haven't. So a quick update then my great discovery.

The liquid fast went fantastic yesterday. I think dinner was closer to 4 or 500 calories but it was mostly lean steak and I mostly had crystal light and I did an hour of cardio including a short run.
Today I wound up drinking a lot of chocolate milk but it was low fat and had 8 grams of protein per glass. Again, I think I probably went a little over my allotted dinner calories but I don't have an exact number. Anyways, I lost a lb from yesterday morning and I'm really hoping for the same results. Hopefully with how much I've been eating I can drop five or six lbs this week.

Now for the prize inside. Something every ana should know about. And its a company called Walden Farms. They sell condiments but not just normal condiments, theirs are free of CALORIES, FAT, SUGAR, CARBS, and GLUTEN! They have mayo, peanut spread, jams, syrups, veggie and fruit dips, pasta sauces, salad dressings and more! so far, I've tried their ranch dressing and caramel fruit dip. Now, I'm not going to lie and say that they were amazing in comparison to full fat and sugar versions (which those products would of course normally be PACKED with) but for diet versions they were pretty good and for having no calories it is fantastic! If you read the fine print there are "trace calories" in the ingredients but they're required to report even 5 calories so there has to be less than that. I'll definitely be trying more of there products in the future and I recommend checking out their website and finding a grocery store near you that sells their products or ordering something.
When I saw this I knew I just had to share it with others looking to cut calories and become more beautiful. If anyone tries anything, please tell me if you liked it.

That's my two cents for today, my pretties.
<3 Ariana

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Quick Dip

sorry I'm a bit M.I.A. lately. My computer is being shit and wont stay online for long. I'm looking for a new one or rather a used one. Rest assured I'm keeping up with blogs. It's just hard to get posts up before it craps out on me.

I'm helping my best friend pack for a really long trip tomorrow. There will be cookies. Possibly pizza. I might just die.
But Monday starts a five day liquid fast in my traditional style. That means dinner with my parents and something sensible on days I have work. It's weak but I don't binge when I have dinner to look forward to. But I promise, no more than 300 calories. I'll stick to water and crystal light as much as possible. I wont let you or me down.
I got a pitcher for my crystal light today. It doesn't sound like much (or look like much) but I was excited. No more guesstimating how much powder to use and how many calories it is. Now I just make 2 quarts and get it just as easy as the high calorie juices and sodas in the fridge. Sorry about the random tangent. XP

Be thin, my lovelies.
<3 Ariana