Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Great New Diet

I started a new diet a week ago and it's working great. I'm losing about half a pound a day and I'm eating! I feel like I'm eating way too much but you can't argue with results. So what I'm doing is eating a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast, a bowl of soup, a very small dinner, and up to two snacks of fruit or granola. It's a ton, right? I can't believe I'm losing weight eating so much. And I'm losing weight off my thighs. That NEVER happens!
That brings me to some amazing news: MY PANTS DON'T FIT! They are falling off me! I'm so happy. I'm going shopping this weekend to get some cheap new ones. They have to be cheap because I plan to go down another two sizes to a 3 or maybe even a size 1. That would be amazing beyond belief but I don't want to be able to run so muscle might get in my way.
I'm not settling for anything short of 135 this week. I've been fighting for it for so long meaning both in the month I've been on this diet and the three years I've gone without seeing it. I will make it happen! I'm only half a lb away; I would have reached it already but a poor decision about whether I could afford bread with dinner set me back to 137.0 yesterday, but I'm back to 136.6 today and I will not go up again. I'm really hoping to see it tomorrow and I'm being super careful about what I eat and drink today. But if I don't reach it tomorrow I won't rest until I'm 100% sure I'll see it Saturday. My official goal is to reach 134 by Sunday so that puts more pressure on to reach 135 tomorrow.
One last thing. I've started drinking green tea. Normally I can't stand the stuff but Bigelow makes an infusion of green and mint leaves that is absolutely delicious. I don't even have to add anything to it, the mint gives it the illusion of already being sweetened. I definitely recommend it.
Well, that's all for now. I'll post again when I hit 135.
Non appetite, mes belles
<3 Ariana