Thursday, April 29, 2010


Inspired by Jenny Will Be Perfect's blog I decided to check my BMI and was shocked to see it was 20.6. I know it's not amazing but I expected it to be like 22 or 23 so it was a nice surprise. I went on to figure that when I reach my first goal weight of 120.0 my BMI will be 18.4 which is on the very very tippy top of the underweight class. I can't wait to see myself after losing the 14lbs between here and there. I've lost the first sixteen over the last four months and I bet I can lose the next fourteen in half the time! I will be skinny. I will be beautiful. I will have control.
I didn't reach my goal last week because of a binge here and a treat there (and another couple binges- it was not a good week for binging). This week I've set a big goal: from 136 at the begining of the week down to 131 by Monday. Today was 134.4 but yesterday I was back to 136 again so it's a big loss for one day. I water fasted Monday, liquid fasted Wednesday, and I'm water fasting tomorrow. If I don't reach my goal this week, I'll liquid fast on Monday. I'm super determined with graduation so close. I will lose at least five lbs before then no matter what it takes!
In other news, my laptop is finally fixed so I'll have plenty of time to read blogs and I'll be looking for new blogs (so if anyone has one they love or just wants to promote theirs now's the time).
I'm off to read blogs.
<3 Ariana